Martedì, 28 Giugno 2016 19:36

IOSH: UK health and safety system must remain, post-Brexit

Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) statement on UK voting to leave EU

Le dichiarazioni di Richard Jones, portavoce dello IOSH, danno un chiaro indirizzo per le intenzioni sugli accordi internazionali a beneficio di una futura stabilità.

IOSH Head of Policy and Public Affairs Richard Jones said: "Post-Brexit, the UK now has less influence over EU law. Now we're exiting, it's vital the UK continues to apply our successful risk-based health and safety system, which includes laws from EU directives, because it's been found to be fit for purpose by several independent reviews and is respected and imitated across the world. 


"IOSH will continue to promote agreed international standards and to defend against any erosion of health and safety protections. 

"As UK organisations will want to continue to trade with Europe, it will be in everyone's interest to maintain the status quo. 

"The UK has already helped to influence sound foundations for European health and safety and beyond and our expertise will continue to be sought and valued."

Letto 1584 volte


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